Career Development Event
Agricultural Sales
Students competing in the Agricultural Sales Career Development Event (CDE) gain experience and skills essential to the production and marketing of agricultural products. The team event illustrates related careers and offers a firsthand look at developing product knowledge and driving sales.
Each team in the Agricultural Sales CDE consists of four students with each person’s effort contributing to the team’s final score. Teams are provided an example product, product information, and customer profiles based on an actual Wyoming company. From that information, students collaborate to develop a sales plan. Judges then evaluate the collaboration process and the team’s final sales plan. Individuals also complete a written exam that tests sales concept knowledge.
This CDE is particularly suited to students interested in future careers involving sales and marketing, while also growing student skills in customer relations, advertising, and sales concepts.
Agribusiness Systems
- Agricultural Issues Forum
- Agricultural Sales
- Farm and Agribusiness Management
- Marketing Plan