Wyoming FFA is looking for individuals to facilitate our FIRE Conference this year in Buffalo, November 16-17th. We will have a new curriculum this year. Presenters must have graduated from high school. You do not need to have been a past state FFA officer, but should have high level public speaking skills and some facilitation skills.
If chosen presenters will need to be available the following days:
- Training weekend: October 19-21st(May or may not meet the evening of Oct 19th, but should plan for all day on Saturday and Sunday). Location TBD. Another possible training weekend, if needed, will be held November 3-4.
- Nov 17thin Buffalo at 6:00 pm for preparation
- Nov 17-18th FIRE conference in Buffalo, WY
While in Buffalo, lodging and meals will be paid.
Please complete applications by October 10, 2018! The application is available here: FIRE Presenter/Facilitator Application –2018
Applicants will be notified by October 15th